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Wishes Come True!

After the earthquake that struck our country, we continue our volunteer activities in the affected regions. In the “Umut Tırı” project we carried out last year, we contributed to children’s learning and fun by organizing workshops in areas such as painting, invention, sports, games, music, and creative writing over a period of 10 days. This year, as part of the Değerlisin Association’s “Wish Tree” project, we came together to turn the dreams of the children at Hatay/Antakya Ekinci Special Education Vocational School into reality. The New Year’s wishes written by the students met with the Organik Volunteers. Each of these heartfelt, special letters touched our hearts. We carefully prepared and sent gifts to Hatay, ensuring the children would receive them before the New Year. Our friends Kübra Akgün and Cihan Gezer from Organik Volunteers went to Hatay and delivered our love and gifts to the children. 

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